Iron Mag Labs

IronMagLabs - Hardcore Bodybuilding Nutrition

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Codex and your health.

Like many in America I take vitamins and minerals along with other supplements ranging from fish oils to protein powders. I take these all without a doctor’s prescription and in the amounts that I choose, but could this be threatened? Could I have to go to my doctor to get a prescription for protein powder, and would it be only .08 grams per pound of body weight as the USDA recommends, or could it be that dreaded soy or something made in a lab that is synthetic? The answer is yes, Codex is already written into the 1996 Health insurance bill. A rider was written and contains within that is the world health organization codex that seeks to put medical and health in the hands of the United Nations. One major part of this is the multination pharmaceutical corporations, mostly German who are fearful of the encroachment of vitamins and minerals into the drug market places.
The supplement market is an 18 billion dollar industry that the FDA, FTC and AMA don’t have their hold on. That’s a lot of money that they are losing. Leaders in the industry say they need to protect us from the risks of the supplement market. If they’re so concerned with our health and safety then why are cigarettes and alcohol still legal to buy? Or why are so many prescription drugs released to the public with life ends effects? Don’t be fooled; it’s not about our safety; it’s about their profit.
So what will Codex mean to you?
No dietary supplement can be sold for preventive use or therapeutic use.
No dietary supplement sold as food can exceed the potency levels set by the commission.
Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become binding.
All new dietary supplements would automatically be banned unless they go through the Codex approval process.
One example is in Canada: you cannot get melatonin, a simple, natural sleep aid that your own body produces, without a prescription.
We have started the prescription fish oils. For $200.00 a month you can get your doctor to prescribe fish oils, or you can get the same fish oils at a health food store for $30.00 a month. Under Codex you will HAVE to get them through your doctor.