Iron Mag Labs

IronMagLabs - Hardcore Bodybuilding Nutrition

Friday, June 10, 2011

Vitamin A, The forgotten.

For much of our lives we have been told how important Vitamin A is for eyesight, and it is in its Bata Carotene form, but vitamin A is so much more. Those of you that follow my blog and YouTube channel know there are current American deficiencies in Vitamin D, and you know that I stress the importance of supplementing Vitamin D3 in the amounts of 1000ui to 5000ui per day. What few point out is that when you supplement with Vitamin D in large amounts it can lower Vitamin A levels.
Things to know about Vitamin A and D are that they are both fat soluble, which means two things: one, the vitamins are stored in fat cells, and two, they are best to take with an oil or fat for better absorption.
“Adults need about 1000 IU vitamin D daily to avoid vitamin A toxicity. This can be supplied by a dose of a recommended brand of cod liver oil that provides 10,000 IU vitamin A, which is a completely safe dose of natural vitamin A.” (Sally Fallon Morell)
Vitamin A works in with the function of stem cells, it tells these cells what they are to be just as a growing fetus needs Vitamin A to tell the stem cell to be a heart cell. Vitamin A is needed even more in persons undergoing chemo- therapies; also, there could be a big link with all the problems of ADD and ADHD due to a lack of vitamin A during gestation and after. Vitamin A is involved in mental functions such as focus, and I’m a big believer that it is a controlling part of telling stem cells to make new nerve cells.
“Vitamin A, which is essential for your immune system just like vitamin D, is also a precursor to active hormones that regulate the expression of your genes, and they work in tandem. For example, there is evidence that without vitamin D, vitamin A can be ineffective or even toxic. But if you’re deficient in vitamin A, vitamin D cannot function properly either. At least 2,000 genes, or nearly 10 percent of your genes, have been identified that are directly influenced by vitamin D, which in turn impact a wide variety of health issues, from preventing the common cold and flu to inhibiting at least sixteen different types of cancer. There’s even evidence linking vitamin D to the process of brain detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury. Widespread vitamin D deficiency has also been strongly linked to the childhood epidemics of autism, asthma, and diabetes, both type 1 and 2.” (Sally Fallon Morell)
The best way to get your vitamin A is with Cod liver Oil. Do not use some generic brand but rather fermented Cod Liver Oil such as Green Pastures, which still makes it the biblical way. You want a 10 to 1 Vitamin A to D ratio. How should you take this, and when since Vitamin A can be toxic? I would take the recommend dosage every three or four days, and on those days don’t take your Vitamin D, since Cod Liver Oil will have 100ui of Vitamin D. Remember that Vitamin D is taken every day.

“Vitamin A plays a vital regulating role in the immune system. Vitamin A deficiency leads to a loss of ciliated cells in the lung, an important first line defense against pathogens. Vitamin A promotes mucin secretion and microvilli formation by mucosa, including the gastrointestinal tract mucosa. Vitamin A regulates T-cell production and apoptosis (programmed cell death) (Nutrition Reviews 1998;56:S38-S48)”.
“Lack of vitamin A interferes with optimal function of the hippocampus, the main seat of learning. Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, found that removing vitamin A from the diets of mice diminished chemical changes in the brain considered the hallmarks of learning and memory (Proc Natl Acad Sci, Sep 25, 2001 98(20):11714-9)”. In simple terms, you need Vitamin A to make thyroid hormones. The lack of Vitamin A in America could be a major cause of all the thyroid issues that plague Americans. Included in this is how Vitamin A works with insulin sensitivity because T3 is a controller of making insulin work.
Vitamin A and stem cells Vitamin A tells these cells what they are to be just as in a growing fetus needs Vitamin A to tell the stem cell to be a heart. The importance of Vitamin A is needed even more in persons under going chemo- therapies; also there could be a big link with all the problems of ADD and ADHD due to a lack of vitamin A during gestation and after. Vitamin A is involved in mental functions it gives you focus.
It is important to know antibiotics, laxatives, and some cholesterol-lowering drugs interfere with Vitamin A absorption.
Sources of Vitamin A
• Animal livers
• Apricots
• Broccoli
• Cantaloupes
• Carrots
• Collards
• Fish livers and fish liver oils
“The US Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin A is currently 5,000 IU per day (and may possibly be lowered to 2500 IU per day). From the work of Weston Price, we can assume that the amount in primitive diets was about 50,000 IU per day, which could be achieved in a modern diet by consuming generous amounts of whole milk, cream, butter and eggs from pastured animals; beef or duck liver several times per week; and 1 tablespoon regular cod liver oil or 1/2 tablespoon high-vitamin cod liver oil per day.” (Sally Fallon Morell)
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