Iron Mag Labs

IronMagLabs - Hardcore Bodybuilding Nutrition

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The biggest loser now?

Who is the biggest loser now? Well, let’s start with Bob Harper of The Biggest Loser fame who has sold out to the grain industry right along with the U.S. Government. This latest push is the biggest push, yet in the consumption of grains, who do sellouts believe will benefit the most from the latest dietary guidelines? First the grain growers, second, the drug companies pushing even more drugs to control cholesterol and high blood pressure, diabetes, and I’m sure the soon to be released fat loss drug, and third the medical industry with even more sick people. Remember that 80% of health issues are lifestyle related. And who will lose? It will be anyone that follows the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Dietary Guidelines.

The problem is they now are telling the average American to eat six servings of grain a day on top of the two servings of fruit. That’s 250g of carbs a day, not counting the six servings of vegetables. This is a complete recipe for an expanding waistline of the American citizen. The six servings a day requirement is for women. For men it is eight servings of grain. This is the first time in history that man would ever eat so much energy food. We’re not an energy-based society anymore. We don’t hunt and gather; we sit, text, and drive for hours in our cars. The average American does not even get 10,000 steps a day, so why all the energy food? We need less grains.

The Grain Foods Foundation I’m sure is paying Bob Harper big dollars to push their daily six program. I guess he wants to make sure he’ll have even more contestants for The Biggest Loser. We might guess that Bob is about dollars, not healthy people. We now have the reason and the cause of Obesity in America. It is our own Government.

Here is the simple math: 250g at 4cals per gram = 1,000 calories. That is about half your daily caloric need. You have not added fats or protein or the six servings of vegetables. That’s right; there is a formula for obesity. There is no way around it.

Now for another math problem: You + following the government dietary guidelines + the insignificant amount of exercise you get = you dying obese or because of obesity

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