Iron Mag Labs

IronMagLabs - Hardcore Bodybuilding Nutrition

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

FDA approved?

So you’re watching TV, and once more you’re bombarded with yet another commercial for some prescription drug, and it is FDA approved. Later on that day you’re with your friends talking about health, and you say you need some vitamins. Your friend says you should be careful because they’re not FDA approved.

So what is so important about something being FDA approved? Does that mean you could die if they’re not? But wait; people have died taking prescription drugs that have been FDA approved, so it cannot be that. So what is so important about FDA approval? Well, today it means nothing.

In 2007 the FDA did a report on itself stating that it is incapable of doing its job. One example of this is the release of Ketek, Telithromycin. This drug is very liver toxic and may cause heart damage as well as vision damage. The FDA still decided to allow testing on infants. When it did the review of Ketek, it allowed fraudulent tests. It told its own employees not to worry about the fake data; just let it go through.

The high-ups in the FDA actively allowed fake tests and approved a drug and allowed it to go to market. This even came out in a senate hearing, and yet no one was punished. If you or I caused this much damage or death, we would be in prison, but yet the FDA and the people behind this still work there. The FDA just does not make a few mistakes but are actively involved in the covering up of dangerous drugs and encourage doctors to push these dangerous drugs, all under the words “Approved by the FDA”.

Not long ago Hydroxycut by Muscletech was put on an FDA banned list because one person had liver failure. According to the FDA the liver failure was due to Hydroxycut, so in response to this adverse incident, Muscletech pulled Hydroxycut before the FDA got involved. However, the FDA still has done nothing about Alli which had the same if not more adverse reports but is FDA approved, and the FDA has done nothing to pull it from the market.

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